Angel Wing Heart Girl's Generation: 140715 Girls Generation Jessica and f(x) Krystal's reunion after a few weeks on OnStyle's "Jessica&Krystal" episode 7

Tuesday 15 July 2014

140715 Girls Generation Jessica and f(x) Krystal's reunion after a few weeks on OnStyle's "Jessica&Krystal" episode 7

On the June 15th broadcast of OnStyle's "Jessica & Krystal," JeKry saw each other during the recording and embraced, showing happiness as they exclaimed how long it had been. Jessica told the production crew, "It's been two weeks since I saw Krystal, so I was teary," and she was about to cry.

Krystal said, "When we are having a hard time, we do not tell anybody. If my sister is home, I naturally come to tell her and vent my feelings, but there was no one like that for a couple weeks."

Jessica thought back when she met Krystal again after a few weeks apart and said, "I think at the time, there were emotions that had piled up and I was having a hard time. I was feeling frustrated, but when I saw Krystal, it felt like everything eased away. "

Krystal said, "I thought, 'Finally, there's someone who can listen to me.'"

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